I restored my first BMW in 1995 with the guidance of Joe Groeger. The 1968 R60/2 was rattle canned red, had ape hanger handle bars with streamers and lots of parts that needed “attention”. I still have the machine and ride it on short and long distance destinations.

I then moved over to R80G/Ss and have rebuilt, restored, and fabricated over 47 G/S, ST, and later GS models. A good number of K75 and K100 models are also back on the road. What started off as a hobby years ago has grown into a fun business. The addition of Sean McMichael and “The Undealership” has expanded our business to include the newest Oilheads, K bikes, and Triumphs.

You’ll find everything from one day transmission replacements and top end rebuilds to 2-3 year fabrications of custom G/S bikes for people traveling the world.

What can we repair, enhance or build for you?

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